Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yoga teacher training - halfway!

I'd like to post a full recap once the 10 days is done and I have more time but here's a brief summary so far:

- Friday morning at 4am Luke leaves for the airport to fly to Palo Alto. He's away until Wednesday. I go for the first session at 8:30. The teacher training is happening at the Jericho Sailing Centre. Wonderful location looking out over the water. Home at 8:30pm.
- Saturday we're upstairs at Lululemon - nice to be so close to home! We're learning the postures for 2 full routines - this will take most of the 10 days. We're also getting pretty deep into some amazing discussions - yoga philosophy, life, following your bliss... etc.
- Sunday morning class with Eoin - nice to not be running! Met back at the sailing centre for a full afternoon - more poses, more discussion, then back to Eoin's for dinner and more talking.
- Monday at the sailing centre. Poses in the morning after tai chi on the beach, then spent the afternoon drinking chai and reading the Bhagavad Gita and discussing. A perfect afternoon. Class at night was optional so that's when I went for my run. Apparently there were over 100 people in the class!!
- Tuesday started with a big long discussion on life, energy, karma and more Bhagavad Gita. Yoga outside in the sun, lunch on the beach. Afternoon spent learning more postures. Great class tonight - seeing the sun set over the mountains got me aching to get out there and do some hiking! If only the snow would hurry up and melt!

So we're halfway! The days have been long (8 or 9am to 8 or 10pm with an hour for lunch and an hour for dinner) and I haven't had much time to do anything but eat and sleep. Sorry if I haven't replied to your emails, I'll get to them soon I promise. :)

The plan for tomorrow is more poses in the morning then in the afternoon we'll head up to Pacific Spirit Park for an afternoon of silence - Vipassana style. I'm looking forward to that. I'm hoping it'll give me a bit of an idea as to what I've gotten myself into for the 10 day Vipassana retreat I've signed up for after the marathon. More on that later. Must eat and sleep now and give my poor attention-starved cat some love.

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