Monday, April 14, 2008

3 more weeks!

We are marathon-ready. We had our last long run yesterday and we made it to the end feeling that if there were people lining the streets cheering and a finish line a couple miles away, we'd be able to make it. We ran about 24 miles and it took 4 hours.

Because of a commitment in the early afternoon, we started early - 6:40am. Met the group at the Y and continued on. Here's a map.

My knees were really sore at the end - tight IT bands. Took 4 gels, 2 advils, 20 oz gatorade and 30 oz of water and although I was very tired at the end, I could have gone farther. My legs are sore today - mostly my quads. Lower back area feels bruised. Not sure if it's from my water belt or what. Nicole as the same thing. Strange.

Next week is a super short 10-12 mile run and the following week is only 7-9. We're tapering now before the race. It's very exciting to think that we've made it all this way. 6 months of training! 6 months of getting up and running ridiculous distances on Sunday mornings when everyone else is sleeping peacefully...

I went to my first yin yoga class on Saturday and I think that style could be very beneficial for sports like running. We only did about a dozen postures, but they were all held for up to 5 minutes so the stretch is very deep.

Signed up for a 200hr yoga teacher training course. It's two 10-day sessions, 10 hours each day. The first session starts at the end of this week and the second session is in October in Ucluelet.

1 comment:

nicole said...

WOOOHOOO! We're done! Well, except for those last few runs, which will be fun, and the actual marathon(s) ;)
Yes, the back thing is strange. I think I wear my waterbelt a bit higher than where it hurts. I'm wondering if it's from those two huge downhills (after the huge uphill sections)... if we were leaning back just a little that might have done it. From the map and the distance markers, it looks like we were pretty much at exactly at a 10min pace the whole way, which is encouraging. I was wondering if 15/1 would work better for the actual race if 10/1 seems a but much. Thanks for being such an awesome running partner!