Sunday, February 3, 2008

I hate hills

That's not true, I don't hate them all the time. Today I did though. It's my own fault. I only ran once this week and the run today was tough. It was only 12 or 13 miles but my legs nearly quit. We left downtown and ran over the Granville bridge and up into Shaughnessy. I love looking at the big houses in there. I'm sure some of them have libraries with revolving bookcases and hidden rooms full of secrets.

We ran to 41st and Arbutus and then along 41st to Dunbar. Everything was great until then. I felt fine and was enjoying a nice run on a nice day. Turned around the corner onto Dunbar and there it was - the hill that would suck every last bit of strength out of me. It was about 18 blocks long and it felt like forever. I got a cramp near the top and slowed a bit, it was very painful but I ran it off. We turned onto 16th and then onto Macdonald. Ran along Cornwall and then over Burrard and back to the Y.

I only took one gel so maybe another would have helped. I'm very tired. This week will be different!! I promise I'll run at least twice, maybe 3 times! We've got our longest run yet next week... 18-20 miles and I'm going to be prepared. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. It'll be a good test, mentally and physically.

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