Monday, July 9, 2007

Busy busy

this seems to be the first week in a while with no plans. nice to look at the calendar and see 5 empty days in a row. so far it's off to a good start. i just got back from Mysore this morning. i was able to bind in Marichyasana D twisting to the right, which I've never been able to do on my own before. my left knee is a bit sore, but it seems to be coming from a tight left IT band. rolling my left outer thigh on a ball seems to help loosen that up and boy does it hurt! it's a good hurt though, there's obviously some deep tightness in there.

so i'm sitting here now planning out my week and enjoying a tasty smoothie: 1 banana, 10 almonds, ~1 cup rice milk, 1/4 tsp vanilla. blend! yum!

these are the things i want to do this week:
- finish Anatomy of the Spirit and maybe write the exam at the end of the week
- go berry picking
- grind it up
- go for a hike - since the weather forecast is so freaking awesome I was thinking maybe of trying Mt Cheam, Mt Gardner or Garibaldi Lake. we'll see.
- go to kits pool
- book a limo for Nicole's wedding
- sew new curtains for the van

i'm so super impressed with my roses this year. they are flowering like mad and they smell wonderful. as i was walking home from yoga this morning i could smell them from about a block away. every now and then the breeze coming through our apartment carries the scent in too. my sweet peas are blooming now as well and i am in flower heaven.

victoria this past weekend was a ton of fun. had a great visit with my granny and spent some quality time with the girls. went to the silk road spa in victoria and we each had a super relaxing treatment. the pampered chef party was a huge success and i think i will have made enough to pick myself up a super sweet zoom lens. :)

i'd better get moving so i can start crossing things off that list... happy monday!

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