Here is the course map. I've pasted on my estimated times and corresponding mile and km markers. If you are in the area and feel like checking out the runners please do! It makes such a difference to have someone cheering you on. I'm not only talking about cheering for me, but for all the runners. We've all worked so hard and put in a ton of hours for this one event and it has not been easy. I get chills when I think about crossing the finish line.

You can also access the map from my flickr page:
The teacher training finished on Sunday and I'm still buzzing from meeting so many cool people and from learning so much. We had some awesome discussions and every single person always had something insightful to add. It was a very cool dynamic and I'm stoked for the 2nd session in Ucluelet in the fall. This summer I'll be assisting in Eoin's classes - not sure which ones precisely but it will likely be once a week for a month or two. It's a bit difficult to put to words everything experienced and learned in 100 hours and I likely won't write much more about the training specifically. All I can really say is that it was a transformative experience with lasting effects (hopefully).
So, marathon on Sunday and then a couple days to rest and then I'm off to the Dhamma Surabhi Vipassana Meditation Centre of BC just west of Merritt for 10 days of silence. The Vipassana experience I had on the beach during the teacher training really has me excited for this next retreat. Although I'm really not sure how I'll cope with intense meditation of this type, I'm definitely ready, or at least as ready as I'll ever be.
I'm headed back to work in early July and between now and then I've got 2 trips to Tofino/Ucluelet (one of which is to run another marathon) and a super camping trip up to Nairn Falls for Canada Day. Go here for more details and to sign up. It's going to be a blast! Come for all or just for a day and some marshmallows and veggie dogs over the fire. :)
I'm hoping to do a few hikes in the Whistler area while we're up there and also thinking about potentially heading east to Chilliwack to camp along the river and then hike Mt Cheam for the summer solstice (June 21-22).
On another note, I'm nearing the end of my holistic nutrition studies. I've got 2 courses left (of 17), my case studies and then the final exam. I've got 15 case studies to write up so if you are interested let me know. All it involves is filling out a detailed form and questionnaire and then I'll do an evaluative write-up that would hopefully set you on the right path to take control of your health. I've enjoyed this program immensely and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in holistic health. The accompanying books have been very informative and I'm happy to lend them out to anyone who is interested.
I'd like to thank you all for following me along the past year and for your support and encouragement. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful network of family and friends. I would like to continue posting about yoga, food, love and wellness, eating and living sustainably and my adventures in the outdoors but I'll no longer be "jen@home" so there will have to be some changes in the next few months. Much love to you all! Shanti and namaste.
So proud of you :) You have certainly had an amazing year off!
I would love to be one of your case studies, just let me know what you need from me!
I'm so proud of you baby. I wonder which will be the bigger challenge - the marathon or the vipissana? :)
Such great accomplishments, Jen! You should be really proud of yourself.
And I'd be happy to donate my info to research for one of your case studies. :-)
Sounds like you've had an incredibly productive and rewarding sabbatical. Congrats!
And let me know if you need more cases for your case studies, I'd be happy to help out.
Reading about your active lifestyle makes me think about myself and how lazy I am - I think it might push me to get an iPod and start taking up some exercise myself like early morning or late night running.
Keep up your hard work! :D
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