I had a wonderful run this morning. Hard not to when it's so beautiful outside. I decided to skip the Y clinic and planned a route out on my own.
Mapmyrun.com is a great site for mapping out routes. I planned a big loop - I much prefer loops to out-and-back routes. I left home and ran down Cypress to the beach and followed the water all the way out to Spanish Banks. I got up on the road, turned on my ipod and headed for the dreaded "UBC hill". That hill is a mile long! I felt really strong the whole way. Once at the top I ran along Marine Drive to 16th Ave and then 16th all the way to Cypress and home from there. In total it was about 13.5 miles and took me just under 2hrs20min. I took one gel before the hill at about 50min and then another just as I was leaving UBC at Blanca at 1hr40min. The second gel had caffeine in it for a bit of an extra boost.
I was so happy with the route. I like the mix of concrete, asphalt, and gravel trails. I can see doing this route again, maybe even after this training is over. There were good hills and very nice views.
This was a good week for training. I ran twice, about 4 miles each time, and went snowshoeing yesterday at Seymour. My legs were a bit tired this morning but it didn't slow me down. I got a new pair of runners this week and I love them! They are Mizunos - the Wave Creation 9. They are pink and orange and they make me feel fast! My old ones felt pretty flat in the race last weekend and my sore knees told me it was time for an upgrade.